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RSI Strategy

Discover our RSI(Relative Strength Index) Strategy PineScript template, designed for traders seeking to use RSI indicator. Easily backtest on TradingView and live execute this template on AlgoTest. Adjusting inputs like RSI Length, RSI Oversold and Overbought Level, target points, and stop loss points to suit your trading preferences.


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RSI Indicator Pinescript​

strategy("RSI Strategy", overlay=true)

// Input parameters
rsi_length =, title="RSI Length")
overbought_level =, title="Overbought Level")
oversold_level =, title="Oversold Level")
target_points =, title="Target Points")
stop_loss_points =, title="Stop Loss Points")

// Calculate RSI
rsi = ta.rsi(close, rsi_length)

// Strategy logic
long_condition = ta.crossover(rsi, oversold_level)
short_condition = ta.crossunder(rsi, overbought_level)

// Plot RSI
plot(rsi,, title="RSI")

// Strategy entry
if long_condition
strategy.entry("Long", strategy.long)
if short_condition
strategy.entry("Short", strategy.short)

// Calculate target and stop loss levels
long_target = strategy.position_avg_price + target_points
long_stop_loss = strategy.position_avg_price - stop_loss_points
short_target = strategy.position_avg_price - target_points
short_stop_loss = strategy.position_avg_price + stop_loss_points

// Strategy exit
strategy.exit("Long Exit", "Long", limit=long_target, stop=long_stop_loss)
strategy.exit("Short Exit", "Short", limit=short_target, stop=short_stop_loss)

RSI Indicator: A Comprehensive Guide​

History of the RSI Indicator​

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. Developed by J. Welles Wilder Jr. in 1978, the RSI was first introduced in his seminal book, "New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems." Wilder designed the RSI to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the trading of securities. It quickly became a staple of technical analysis in the financial markets, valued for its ability to generate actionable insights from price data.

What is RSI?​

The RSI is a range-bound indicator typically set between zero and 100, making it ideal for identifying the general trend, potential reversals, and the strength of price movements. The indicator compares the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses in an attempt to determine overbought and oversold conditions of an asset. An RSI value of 70 or above indicates that a security may be becoming overbought or overvalued and may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. Conversely, an RSI reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold or undervalued condition.

How to Use the Indicator for Analysis​

To use the RSI effectively:

  1. Setting Periods: The standard setting for the RSI is 14 periods, which can be applied to any time frame (minutes, days, weeks, etc.). This setting can be adjusted to increase sensitivity (fewer periods) or decrease sensitivity (more periods).
  2. Interpreting Values: An RSI value over 70 suggests overbought conditions, possibly signaling a selling opportunity. An RSI value under 30 suggests oversold conditions, potentially indicating a buying opportunity.
  3. Buy or Sell Signals: A common method used is to look for divergences where the security is making a new high, but the RSI is failing to surpass its previous high. This divergence can signal a potential reversal. Similarly, an RSI crossing above the 30 line is viewed as a bullish sign, while an RSI crossing below the 70 line is seen as a bearish sign.

Best Use Cases​

The RSI is exceptionally versatile in various market conditions, including:

  • Trending Markets: Helping to identify the likely continuation of a current trend.
  • Range-bound Markets: Offering signals for potential entry and exit points when prices move to and from overbought and oversold conditions.
  • Commodities and Forex: Due to their volatility, the RSI can help traders in these markets discern more reliable signals amid noise.


What is a good RSI indicator?​

A good RSI indicator typically has a value set at 14 periods and is used to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market. Values above 70 indicate overbought conditions, suggesting a potential sell, while values below 30 indicate oversold conditions, suggesting a potential buy.

What does RSI 14 mean, and what do various numbers like RSI 6, 12, 24, 30/70, 60/40, 70/30 signify?​

RSI 14 means the Relative Strength Index is calculated using the past 14 periods. Other numbers such as RSI 6, 12, or 24 indicate the indicator is calculated over those specific periods, offering more sensitivity or smoothness. Thresholds like 30/70, 60/40, and 70/30 are levels that indicate potential buy or sell signals; for example, below 30 is considered oversold, and above 70 is considered overbought.

What is RSI indicator and how does it work?​

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. It works by comparing the magnitude of recent gains to recent losses to evaluate overbought or oversold conditions in the price of a stock or other asset.

How is the RSI indicator calculated?​

The RSI indicator is calculated using this formula: RSI = 100 - (100 / (1 + RS)), where RS is the average gain of up periods divided by the average loss of down periods over the specified period.

What are the best settings for the RSI indicator?​

The best settings for the RSI indicator typically depend on the trader's specific strategy and the market conditions, but the standard setting is 14 periods. This can be adjusted based on the volatility of the trading instrument to make the indicator more or less sensitive.

How do you set up an RSI indicator?​

To set up an RSI indicator, you can add it to your trading chart software, select the period setting (commonly 14), and define the overbought and oversold levels (typically 70 and 30, respectively).

How to use the RSI indicator effectively?​

To use the RSI indicator effectively, monitor for levels that indicate overbought or oversold conditions. Consider using RSI in conjunction with other technical indicators or chart patterns to confirm trading signals.

What are the buy and sell signals for RSI?​

Buy signals are typically given when the RSI crosses above an oversold threshold (e.g., 30), indicating potential upward momentum. Sell signals are given when the RSI crosses below an overbought threshold (e.g., 70), indicating potential downward momentum.

What is the best strategy for RSI trading?​

The best strategy often involves looking for divergences where the price makes a new high or low that is not supported by the RSI, suggesting a potential reversal. Combining RSI readings with support/resistance levels, trend lines, and candlestick patterns can also enhance its effectiveness.

How do you use RSI to buy and sell?​

Use RSI to buy when the indicator moves out of the oversold region (below 30) signaling a potential upward move. Sell when RSI moves out of the overbought region (above 70), signaling a potential downward move.

Which is better: RSI or stochastic RSI?​

The choice between RSI and stochastic RSI depends on the trader's preference and the specific market conditions. Stochastic RSI is generally faster and more sensitive than traditional RSI.

Is RSI or MACD better for divergence?​

Both indicators are useful for spotting divergence, but MACD might be preferred for its ability to also track the momentum and trend direction, providing a more holistic view.

Which indicator works best with RSI?​

RSI works well with MACD, stochastic oscillators, and moving averages to confirm trend directions and potential reversal points.

Is RSI a good indicator for gold trading?​

Yes, RSI can be effective for trading gold as it helps to identify potential reversal points in volatile markets like commodities.

How do you read a stochastic RSI?​

Stochastic RSI oscillates between 0 and 1; readings above 0.8 suggest overbought conditions, while readings below 0.2 suggest oversold conditions.

What is the 70 30 RSI strategy?​

This strategy involves buying when the RSI crosses above 30 from below (indicating emerging bullish momentum) and selling when the RSI crosses below 70 from above (indicating potential bearish momentum).

What is the formula code for RSI?​

The formula for RSI is RSI = 100 - (100 / (1 + (Average Gain / Average Loss))).

What are the 2 lines in stochastic RSI?​

In stochastic RSI, the two lines are the %K (the stochastic RSI itself) and %D (a moving average of %K), which help indicate momentum and potential reversal points.

Which timeframe is best for stochastic RSI?​

The best timeframe for stochastic RSI depends on the trader's style; shorter timeframes are generally better for day trading, while longer ones may be suited for swing trading.

How accurate is the RSI indicator?​

While RSI is a popular and widely used indicator, its accuracy can depend on market conditions and how it's used in conjunction with other indicators and analysis methods.

Is RSI indicator free and where can I see my RSI indicator?​

Yes, the RSI indicator is typically available for free in most trading platforms and can be found in the indicator or analysis section within these platforms.

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