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IIFL Broker Information​

:For any queries reach out to us!



IIFL on AlgoTest​

IIFL Account Offer for AlgoTest users:


  • Discounted Brokerage - Rs.4/Lot or Rs.20/order
  • No API Fees
  • Can Buy Deep ITM or Far OTM Options in NRML
  • No Cash/Cash equivalent required for Intraday trades. Can entirely be done on pledged margin
  • Exchange charges as per actual discounted rate of NSE (Rs 3500/Cr approx)


Plan is activated by us. So please inform us after F&O activation on telegram:-

IIFL Blaze TradingTerminal​

IIFL Blaze API Portal​!/login

IIFL Customer Support​

IIFL API Charges​

Enjoy discount on brokerages with IIFL on AlgoTest.


What You’ll Need For IIFL Algo Trading​

AlgoTest Account​

You need to have an AlgoTest account. If you don’t have an AlgoTest account, you can create it by clicking on this link.

IIFL Account​

You need to have an active Demat account in IIFL. If you don’t have an account, create an account on IIFL. Make sure to activate F&O on your account. You can check the status of F&O in your IIFL account in TTWeb Terminal. To check status, login and Go to Dashboard -> My Account -> My Details -> Trading Preference

IIFL Blaze Terminal​

You need to have IIFL Blaze Terminal activated on your IIFL demat account.

Blaze Terminal and Blaze API Activation​

  • To activate Blaze Terminal on your IIFL account, first you need to request Blaze Terminal and API activation at from your registered Email ID. Make sure to mention Your Client ID, Name, Mobile Number, Email ID, PAN Number, Date of Birth, city and Email ID as shown in the image below.


  • You will get Blaze Terminal ID Password on mail within 24 working hours. Now go to and login using the ID Password that you got on mail.



  • Now our Blaze Trading Terminal is successfully logged in. Now we need to Activate API on Blaze XTS API Portal. Go to!/login and click on create new account.


    IIFL Blaze Trading Terminal is a trading terminal where you can manage your Algo position or can execute manually. IIFL XTS API Portal is used to create and manage API.


  • Enter all the required information and in user id enter the client ID that you use in XTS Trading Terminal. In the password field, you can enter any random password. Click on Signup.



  • Now we need to create 2 API Apps on API Portal.
    • Interactive Order API
    • Market Data API
  • Now click on My app, then create a new application. It will ask for validation. Enter the ID Password that you use for Blaze Trading Terminal. After validation is completed, click on create new application.


  • First we are creating an Interactive Order API. So enter a random name in App name, a random description in API Description box and select Interactive Order API and click on Create New Application button.


  • Now you will see an Interactive Order API is created as shown below.


  • Now we have to create a Market Data API. To create a Market Data API, click on My App and then click on create new application.


  • Now enter a random name in App name, a random description in API Description box and select Market Data API and click on Create New Application button.


  • Now you can see that there are 2 API apps created on API Dashboard. They are showing Inactive status. They will be active within 24 working hours.


  • Once the status shows active, we just have to copy API Key and API Secret from Interactive Order and Market Data and paste that into AlgoTest Broker Setup Page.

Connecting IIFL with AlgoTest​

  • To connect IIFL with AlgoTest, go to Click on the profile icon at the top right and select Broker Setup.


  • Click on the setup icon located on the right side of the IIFL.


  • Copy the API Key and API Secret from Interactive Data API from Blaze API Dashboard and paste it into AlgoTest as shown in the image.



  • Now copy the API Key and API Secret from Market Data API in XTS API Dashboard and paste it into algotest as shown in the image and click on Add AC Aggarwal.



  • We have successfully added IIFL Broker to our AlgoTest Account. Now we just have to login to Wisdom Capital in AlgoTest. To log in, click on the Login button.

    Note :- Broker Login timing is 08:30 AM to 3:28 PM


  • Once you are logged in, the system will display a status message confirming your login status, as shown in the image below.
