All-in-One Multi-Indicator Options Strategy
FREE All-in-One Multi-Indicator Options Strategy Pinescript​
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// © AlgoTest
indicator("All-in-One Multi-Indicator Options Strategy",shorttitle = "All-in-One", overlay=false)
// Input for Index and Expiry Date
spot = input.string("BANKNIFTY", title = "Spot Symbol", options = ["NIFTY", "BANKNIFTY", "FINNIFTY", "MIDCPNIFTY"], group = "Index")
tooltip_day = "Enter the day of the expiry. Add 0 in front if the day is a single digit. For example: 05 instead of 5"
tooltip_month = "Enter the month of the expiry. Add 0 in front if the month is a single digit. For example: 06 instead of 6"
tooltip_year = "Enter the year of the expiry. Use the last two digits of the year. For example: 24 instead of 2024"
_day = input.string("21", title = "Expiry Day", tooltip = tooltip_day, group="Expiry Date")
_month = input.string("08", title = "Expiry Month", tooltip = tooltip_month, group="Expiry Date")
_year = input.string("24", title = "Expiry Year", tooltip = tooltip_year, group="Expiry Date")
// Input for Strikes
tooltip_ = "You can select any Strike, and choose to include both strikes or just one"
strike_ce =, "Call Strike", tooltip = tooltip_, group = "Select Strike")
strike_pe =, "Put Strike", tooltip = tooltip_, group = "Select Strike")
// Option to include both strikes
strike_choice = input.string("Combined", title = "Select Strike", options = ["Combined", "Only Call", "Only Put"], group = "Select Strike")
// Generate symbols for Call and Put options
var string symbol_CE = spot + _year + _month + _day + "C" + str.tostring(strike_ce)
var string symbol_PE = spot + _year + _month + _day + "P" + str.tostring(strike_pe)
// Request security data for both Call and Put options
[call_open, call_high, call_low, call_close] =, timeframe.period, [open, high, low, close])
[put_open, put_high, put_low, put_close] =, timeframe.period, [open, high, low, close])
call_volume = symbol_CE, timeframe.period , volume )
put_volume = symbol_PE, timeframe.period , volume )
var float combined_open = 0
var float combined_high = 0
var float combined_low = 0
var float combined_close = 0
var float combined_vol = 0
// Calculate combined premium based on strike choice
if strike_choice == "Combined"
combined_open := call_open + put_open
combined_close := call_close + put_close
combined_high := math.max(combined_open, combined_close)
combined_low := math.min(combined_open, combined_close)
combined_vol := call_volume + put_volume
else if strike_choice == "Only Call"
combined_open := call_open
combined_close := call_close
combined_high := call_high
combined_low := call_low
combined_vol := call_volume
combined_open := put_open
combined_close := put_close
combined_high := put_high
combined_low := put_low
combined_vol := put_volume
// Plot combined premium as a candle
plotcandle(combined_open, combined_high, combined_low, combined_close, title = "Combined Premium", color = combined_close > combined_open ? :
// Indicator selection
use_ema_crossover = input.bool(true, title = "Use EMA Crossover", group = "Indicators")
use_supertrend = input.bool(false, title = "Use Supertrend", group = "Indicators")
use_vwap = input.bool(false, title = "Use VWAP", group = "Indicators")
use_rsi = input.bool(false, title = "Use RSI", group = "Indicators")
use_sma = input.bool(false, title = "Use SMA", group = "Indicators")
pine_supertrend_value(factor, atrPeriod) =>
src = combined_close
atr = ta.atr(atrPeriod)
upperBand = src + factor * atr
lowerBand = src - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or combined_close[1] < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or combined_close[1] > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
int _direction = na
float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1]
if na(atr[1])
_direction := 1
else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
_direction := combined_close > upperBand ? -1 : 1
_direction := combined_close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
superTrend := _direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
pine_supertrend_dir(factor, atrPeriod) =>
src = combined_close
atr = ta.atr(atrPeriod)
upperBand = src + factor * atr
lowerBand = src - factor * atr
prevLowerBand = nz(lowerBand[1])
prevUpperBand = nz(upperBand[1])
lowerBand := lowerBand > prevLowerBand or combined_close[1] < prevLowerBand ? lowerBand : prevLowerBand
upperBand := upperBand < prevUpperBand or combined_close[1] > prevUpperBand ? upperBand : prevUpperBand
int _direction = na
float superTrend = na
prevSuperTrend = superTrend[1]
if na(atr[1])
_direction := 1
else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand
_direction := combined_close > upperBand ? -1 : 1
_direction := combined_close < lowerBand ? 1 : -1
superTrend := _direction == -1 ? lowerBand : upperBand
// Input for EMA lengths
fastLength =, 'Fast EMA Length', group = "EMA")
slowLength =, 'Slow EMA Length', group = "EMA")
// Input for SuperTrend
atrLength =, 'ATR Length', group = "SuperTrend")
fac = input.float(2, 'Factor', group = "SuperTrend")
// Input for RSI
rsi_length =, 'Length', group="RSI")
rsi_ob_level =, 'Overbought', group="RSI")
rsi_os_level =, 'Oversold', group="RSI")
// Input for SMA
sma_length =, 'SMA Length', group = "SMA")
var float fast_ema = na
var float slow_ema = na
var float supertrend = na
var int direction = na
var float rsi_val = na
var float sma_val = na
var float sumPriceVolume = 0.0
var float sumVolume = 0.0
var float vwap = 0.0
// Fast EMA
if use_ema_crossover
fast_ema := ta.ema(combined_close, fastLength)
slow_ema := ta.ema(combined_close, slowLength)
// Supertrend
if use_supertrend
supertrend := pine_supertrend_value( fac, atrLength)
direction := pine_supertrend_dir( fac, atrLength)
if use_vwap
if (dayofweek != dayofweek[1])
sumPriceVolume := 0.0
sumVolume := 0.0
vwap := 0.0
sumPriceVolume += combined_close * combined_vol
sumVolume += combined_vol
vwap := sumPriceVolume / sumVolume
// RSI
if use_rsi
rsi_val := ta.rsi(combined_close, rsi_length)
// SMA
if use_sma
sma_val := ta.sma(combined_close, sma_length)
plot(fast_ema, title='Fast EMA',, linewidth=2)
plot(slow_ema, title='Slow EMA', color=color.yellow, linewidth=2)
plot(direction < 0 ? supertrend : na, "Up direction", color =, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(direction > 0 ? supertrend : na, "Down direction", color =, style=plot.style_linebr)
plot(use_vwap? vwap : na, title='VWAP', color=color.purple, linewidth=2)
plot(sma_val, title='SMA', color=color.maroon, linewidth=2)
// Define buy and sell conditions based on selected indicators
var bool buy = false
var bool sell = false
var int buyC = 0
var int sellC = 0
if dayofweek != dayofweek[1]
buyC := 0
sellC := 0
if use_ema_crossover
buy := ( ta.crossover(fast_ema, slow_ema) ) and buyC == 0
sell := ( ta.crossunder(fast_ema, slow_ema) ) and sellC == 0
if use_vwap
buy := ( buy ? buy and ta.crossover(combined_close, vwap) : ta.crossover(combined_close, vwap) ) and buyC == 0
sell := ( sell ? sell and ta.crossunder(combined_close, vwap) : ta.crossunder(combined_close, vwap) ) and sellC == 0
if use_rsi
buy := ( buy ? buy and ta.crossover(rsi_val, rsi_ob_level) : ta.crossover(rsi_val, rsi_ob_level) ) and buyC == 0
sell := ( sell ? sell and ta.crossunder(rsi_val, rsi_os_level) : ta.crossunder(rsi_val, rsi_os_level) ) and sellC == 0
if use_sma
buy := ( buy ? buy and ta.crossover(combined_close, sma_val) : ta.crossover(combined_close, sma_val) ) and buyC == 0
sell := ( sell ? sell and ta.crossunder(combined_close, sma_val) : ta.crossunder(combined_close, sma_val) ) and sellC == 0
if use_supertrend
buy := ( buy ? direction == -1 : direction == -1 and direction[1] == 1 ) and buyC == 0
sell := ( sell ? direction == 1 : direction == 1 and direction[1] == -1 ) and sellC == 0
if buy
buyC := 1
sellC := 0
if sell
sellC := 1
buyC := 0
// Plot buy and sell signals
plotshape(buy, title = "Buy", text = 'Buy', style = shape.labeldown, location =, color=, textcolor = color.white, size = size.small)
plotshape(sell, title = "Sell", text = 'Sell', style = shape.labelup, location = location.bottom, color=, textcolor = color.white, size = size.small)
// Alert conditions
alertcondition(buy, "Buy", "Buy")
alertcondition(sell, "Sell", "Sell")