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Broker Level Settings

At AlgoTest, you have the luxury of setting up Stop Loss, Target and Trailing Stop Loss on all the strategies that you deployed on a specific broker on the platform. These settings are called "Broker Level Settings". 

These settings will apply to all the strategies that you deploy through AlgoTest, but not on trades that you make manually through your broker. To access these settings, you can go to the "live trade" page in AlgoTest, but note that this feature is only available after you have deployed a strategy.

How to configure Broker Level Settings​

To configure broker-level settings, you just need to follow a few simple steps. See the instructions below for guidance.

  • Please navigate to the "Live Trade" page in Algotest by clicking on the corresponding button as displayed in the image below.

  • On the Live Trade page, you can view your deployed strategy/portfolio and the running MTM of a specific broker. To add Broker Level Settings, click on the "Add Settings" button shown in the image below.

  • Click on the "Edit" button, as illustrated in the image below.

  • Now there is an option to set broker level Stop Loss, Target and Trailing. You can choose the desired feature and save the settings by clicking on "setup" button.

How Broker Level Stop Loss Works​

In Algotest, you can set a broker level stop loss that applies to all deployed strategies. This stoploss automatically squares off all running strategies once it's reached.
For instance, if you set the broker level stop loss to 5000, as soon as it breaches, all strategies will be squared off.


It's important to note that this setting needs to be updated daily.

To set a broker-level stop loss, please follow the steps below.

  • To set a stop loss, click on the "Stop Loss" button indicated in the image below.

  • Assuming that our loss exceeds 5000, the system will square off all our strategies. To set this up, we must enter 5000 in the stop loss field and click the "Setup" button.

  • Our broker level settings are added. Now, as soon as our stop loss breaches 5000, all our running strategies will be squared off. 

How Broker Level Target Works​

In Algotest, you can set a broker level target that applies to all deployed strategies. This target automatically squares off all running strategies once it's reached.
For instance, if you set the broker level target to 5000, as soon as it crosses, all strategies will be squared off. It's important to note that this setting needs to be updated daily.

To set a target at the broker level, please follow the steps below:

  • To proceed, kindly locate and click on the 'Target Profit' button as indicated in the image below.

  • We want that if the overall profit of deployed strategies reaches 10000, the system will automatically square off all my strategies. To set this up, I will enter 10000 in the target and click the "Setup" button.

  • Our broker level settings have been configured to automatically square off all running strategies once the target of 10000 is reached, as shown in the image below.

How Broker Level Trailing Works​

This feature allows you to trail the overall profit or loss of your deployed strategies. To access the trailing options, click on "Trailing Options" as shown in the image below.

This feature provides three options for trailing: Overall Trail SL, Lock Profit, and Lock and Trail.

Overall Trail SL​

This feature allows you to trail your broker level overall SL as the market moves in your favour.
For example your broker level SL is 5000 and you want that for every Rs. 500 profit, trail your broker level SL by Rs. 500, you can do this using this feature.

Imagine your broker level MTM reached ₹ 500.

So as soon as it crosses ₹ 500, trail your broker level sl i.e. 5000 to 4500.

Now if profit reaches ₹ 1000, our broker level SL will be trailed from ₹ 4500 to ₹ 4000.

Now again if profit reaches ₹ 1500, our broker level SL will be trailed from ₹ 4000 to ₹ 3500.

It will keep on doing till our broker level trailing sl hit.

So now assume after some time the market reverses and profit starts coming down. When it crosses a loss below 3500, it will exit all your strategies.

To set the Broker Level Trail SL, please follow the steps below.

  • Please click on the "Trail Stop Loss" button, which is indicated in the image below.

  • Click on the "Setup" button after entering your trailing inputs, as shown in the image below.

  • You can now view the "Trailed Stop Loss" section in your settings, which displays the Trailed value of your broker level. This information is accompanied by a message that reads "Settings Added," as shown in the image below.

Lock ​

This feature enables you to secure your profits.
Let's say you want to ensure that if your profit reaches a certain amount, let's call it 10000, you take at least 5000 home in case the market reverses. You can use this feature to lock in the 5000 when your profit reaches 10000. This way, if the market goes against you and your profit drops below 5000, the feature will exit the deployed strategies.

Imagine your broker level profit reached ₹ 10000. So as soon as it crosses ₹ 10000, the system will lock ₹ 5000 profit.

So now assume after some time the market reverses and profit starts coming down. When it crosses below ₹ 5000, the system will exit at ₹ 5000 profit.

To set a lock, follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Lock button and enter your desired inputs as shown in the image below.

  • To save the settings, please click on the "Setup" button, which is displayed in the image below.

  • You will see "Settings Added". Once your lock condition is met, you will see the locked profit value under "Locked Profit".

Lock and Trail ​

This particular feature enables you to secure your profit and subsequently trail your secured profit as the prices move in your favour.
For instance, if you wish to lock your profit when it reaches a certain amount of 10000, say 5000, and then trail your secured profit by 500rs for every 500rs increase in profit from 10000rs, you can easily do so using this feature.

Imagine broker level profit reached ₹ 10000. So as soon as it crosses ₹ 10000, the system will lock ₹ 5000 profit.

Now according to our trail condition if profit reaches ₹ 10500,, our lock profit i.e. ₹ 5000 will be trailed to ₹ 5500. Now again if profit reaches ₹ 11000, our lock profit i.e. ₹ 5500 will be trailed to ₹ 6000.

So now assume after some time the market reverses and profit starts coming down. When it crosses below our trailed sl i.e. ₹ 6000, the system will exit at ₹ 6000 profit.

To set the Lock and Trail, follow the steps below:

  • To enable the lock and trail feature, click on the "Lock and Trail" button and enter the desired trailing condition in the space provided, following the displayed instructions.

  • To save the settings as displayed in the image below, please click on the Setup Button.

  • You will see "Settings Added". Once your lock condition is met, you will see the trailed profit value under "Trailed Profit", as shown in the image below.

Will the MTM of Squared-Off Strategies be considered?​

Whether your squared-off strategy's mark-to-market (MTM) will be considered for broker-level settings depends entirely on the deployment time of the strategies. It depends on whether there was an active strategy at the time of square-off.

If a strategy was active at that time, then the squared-off strategy's MTM will be included. However, if there was no active strategy during square-off and a strategy was deployed after some time, then it will not be included.

Let's consider two different scenarios and understand how it works.

Case 1​

We have two strategies that we want to execute:

Strategy #1 and Strategy #2. The entry time for Strategy #1 is 09:20 and the exit time is 12:30, while Strategy #2 has an entry time of 12:40 and an exit time of 03:20.

We will deploy both strategies simultaneously. For example, let's say we deployed both strategies at 09:20 on AlgoTest.

Now, let's assume that Strategy #1 exited at 12:30 due to any reason, and Strategy #2 is still running as it was deployed earlier in the day.

In this scenario, the MTM (Mark-to-Market) of the squared-off strategy, i.e., Strategy #1, will be considered. This is because when Strategy #1 is squared off, Strategy #2 is still in a running status, regardless of whether it has an open position or not.

Case 2​

We have two strategies that we want to run:

Strategy #1 and Strategy #2. Strategy #1 has an entry time of 09:20 and an exit time of 12:30, while Strategy #2 has an entry time of 12:40 and an exit time of 03:20.

We deployed Strategy #1 at 09:20 and it exited at 12:30. Now we have deployed Strategy #2 at 12:40.

In this case, MTM (mark-to-market) of Strategy #1 will not be counted, as when Strategy #1 was closed, there was no other strategy with a running status.


  • Broker Level Settings need to be updated daily. If you set them today, the same settings won't persist for the next day, and you'll need to add them again.

  • For error or manual mode strategies, only the realised MTM (closed legs MTM) before the strategy went into error or manual mode will be considered.

  • After hitting Broker Level settings, the old settings will not persist. You will need to set them up again for further use.

  • When broker level settings are triggered, the MTM of the running strategies at that time will not be counted for the next broker level settings.