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Budget Day Filter

Budget Filter​

Budget days are truly unique in how they impact the market compared to regular trading days. The market can experience significant movements in both upward and downward directions on budget days.

Have you ever considered developing a specialized strategy specifically for budget days to capitalize on the potential opportunities presented by this event? Perhaps you've also thought about testing your strategy on budget days to gauge its performance?

With AlgoTest's Budget Filter, you have the valuable capability to tailor your strategy results according to budget days. This feature empowers you to optimize your strategy to align with budget day dynamics or even design a brand-new strategy tailored exclusively for budget days.

How to Use the Budget Day Filter​

  • To utilize this feature, start by creating and backtesting your strategy. Click the "Start Backtest" button to begin.

  • To proceed, please scroll down and click on the "Budget Days" button, as shown in the image below.

  • It will filter out your strategy results for budget days as depicted in the image below.