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8 docs tagged with "backtest"

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Backtest Pricing

AlgoTest offers its users 25 free backtests every week on Monday. If you want to upgrade this limit you can buy a backtesting plan.


Indices are divided according to two expiry dates:

Difference between backtest, forward test, and live trading

Backtesting a strategy helps in quantifying a strategy's historical risk and return expectation. Armed with this data, traders get the confidence to deploy large sums of capital into their strategies. But sometimes, your daily backtested data might differ from your Live trading and forward testing results. Below we have tried to explain some of the reasons as why this might be so:

How to Backtest

Explore detailed step-by-step guides for backtesting strategies on AlgoTest. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting, these resources will help you create and optimize trading strategies tailored to your needs.


Indices are divided according to two expiry dates: